Friday, February 29, 2008

Póltachts for the people

I was perusing the Central Statistics Office yearbook for 2007 the other day over a cup of coffee, like you do. It's like the Guinness Book of Records without the gross photographs. Anyway, I notice that the Polish population of Ireland has surpassed 63,000. Further on I notice that the number of people who speak Irish on a daily basis outside school is 53,471. So we should probably start looking at setting up a few Poltachts, where you can go to learn Polish, or build a house if you speak Polish well enough to pass an exam. It's only a matter of time before we have to put a Polish verse onto the God awful "Ireland's call" as they'll make up the front row of our scrum and hopefuly be able to throw the ball in straight. Once the intermarraige between east and west gets going we should be unstoppable. With their work ethic and our charm we'll conquer the world, not to mention the porn industry. We await with interest the father of all pornstars, Seánín Stopavitch!


Govstooge said...

However remember that 93.71% of those statistics have been completely fabricated. They are, after all, civil servants in there.

His Girl Friday said...

There are three types of lies: the black ones, the white ones, and statistics.
I'm planning to re-visit your way in the do I say, "a pint of ale, please" in Polish?! ;)